CH. Bell z orisku
Dogue de Bordeaux
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Informations sur CH. Bell z orisku
Sexe | Mâle |
Couleur | fauve masque marron |
Puce | 900032001749938 |
Inscrit au LOF ? | République tchèque |
N° orgine | 2963/14 |
Cotation | 1 - Confirmé |
Statut | Décédé |
Les parents
Palmares dtitrese CH. Bell z orisku
Champion Jeune d'espagne
Champion d'Espagne
Champion Internationnal de Beauté
Grand Champion D'Espagne
Autres titres
29 march 2015 national show ALES
1st Very Promising
7 may 2015 national show Marseille
1 st Very Promising
8 may 2015 special of breed at international show Marseille
1 st Very Promising BEST PUPPY
6 june 2015 French championship dijon
1 st Very Promising
27 june 2015 national show Montpellier
20 september 2015 monografica molosos de arena spain
4 october 2015 international show de otono de la rsce spain
8 november 2015 special of breed at international show ST Etienne
3 rd tres bon
29 november international show Bilbao spain
1 st exc CCJ (point for Spain young champion) BEST YOUNG AND B.O.S